Monday, January 6, 2014


hi everyone! ive never done anything like this before so i figured the new year would be a good place to start. my name is elizabeth white, and i live in a moderately boring suburb about an hour outside of orlando.
i am a huge enthusiast of everything as follows
kanye west, grimes, MIA, frilly lace, bangs, thrift stores, goats, rookie mag, crafts, cds, socks, beyonce, amphibians, lips, the early 2000s hip hop station on pandora, feminism, parks and recreation, green hair and learning
this is me (notice the needlepoint picture of a frog looking longingly at the moon behind me)

here is some stuff i made/did this year
(this is a jacket i made that includes some of my idols and MIA lyrics)
(climbed into a cabinet at a concert)
(joined our schools swim team with my crew (we are the only ones posing))
(LONG TIME AGO=LONG BANGS but i designed and sewed this dress from old couch fabric)
(formed a girl gang)

youll probably find out more about me later, but i figured this blog deserved an introduction first.

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