Wednesday, January 22, 2014


THIS WEEK HAS BEEN CRAZY BUSY. i take night classes at the local community college along with regular high school, and ive decided to join the debate team a week before the tournament (and a regional science fair coming up in a few weeks). so ive been at school for almost a good 12 hours every day of the week WHICH IS STARTIN TO WEAR ME DOWN.
so i figure if im gonna be at school so long, ive gotta bring out my most fun kooky outfits. ive been getting lots of inspiration for outfits and garments lately, from pictures to songs to tv shows everything is kinda getting me excited about what im gonna do next.
     heres what was kinda inspiring this outfit today

cutie cute cute sailor moon buttons
reeeeallly coool collar

((the formatting got really messed up and i am way too tired to fix that))
THIS OUTFIT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO PUT TOGETHER its like i piled on all the little trinkets ive found at the dollar store and tried to form an outfit out of it.

1. my whole outfit if either thrifted, my moms, or from the dollar store!!!!
3. the baby hair accessory department of the dollar store is really underrated LOOK AT THESE CUTIES
4. today my teacher asked me if i was in the navy and told me her father had shoes just like mine. i can totally dig it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Yesterday I went digging in my moms closet for some of her old clothes recently and found this KILLER PLAID SKIRT along with her old Bully Hill Winery shirt. I think every time I post pictures on this blog its a record cold day here in Florida, which I'm pretty happy about.
also this week ive had my picture taken twice for the yearbook's "fashion page" which was pretty cool but also pretty weird. its like at this point everyone at school knows me as the girl who wears crazy clothes and i cant do anything to surprise anyone anymore. i kinda like that people think of me that way though. its like ive made a name for myself by just wearing what i think is cool.
AND even though its the dead of winter the starfruit tree next to my house is growing like crazy!!!! here is me next to it

1. mid-blink chillin next to this scraggly lookin plant
2. pickin some of that starfruit
3. my print game is strong enough to power a rocket to mars and  speak the language of the aliens

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


today is the first day back from winter break, and it also happens to be the coldest day of this winter so far, being around 30 degrees, which is pretty cold for florida.
being who i am, i once again am wearing an outfit that completely is not suited for the weather.

1. every part of  this outfit is either thrifted or homemade- or a combination of both!!
2. my "shady ladies" jacket- we decided to start the new semester off with showing the school that we run the place
3. my pin collection- all thrifted except the DIY girl power rosette brooch from rookie!!!
4. business working man-cat side of my socks
5. flowery lady-cat side of my socks

stay warm everyone!!!

Monday, January 6, 2014


hi everyone! ive never done anything like this before so i figured the new year would be a good place to start. my name is elizabeth white, and i live in a moderately boring suburb about an hour outside of orlando.
i am a huge enthusiast of everything as follows
kanye west, grimes, MIA, frilly lace, bangs, thrift stores, goats, rookie mag, crafts, cds, socks, beyonce, amphibians, lips, the early 2000s hip hop station on pandora, feminism, parks and recreation, green hair and learning
this is me (notice the needlepoint picture of a frog looking longingly at the moon behind me)

here is some stuff i made/did this year
(this is a jacket i made that includes some of my idols and MIA lyrics)
(climbed into a cabinet at a concert)
(joined our schools swim team with my crew (we are the only ones posing))
(LONG TIME AGO=LONG BANGS but i designed and sewed this dress from old couch fabric)
(formed a girl gang)

youll probably find out more about me later, but i figured this blog deserved an introduction first.